I grew up in Northern Virginia and have been researching my family history since becoming hooked by a history assignment in high school.  My grandmothers instilled a passion for family history, not only the names but also through their stories and photographs.

My family roots run deep through the Shenandoah Valley and down the Great Wagon Road to the Cumberland Gap.  My ancestor’s included the builder of Kline’s Mill near Stephens City, Frederick County, Virginia and one of the first Mennonite bishops in the Virginia Conference to Rockingham and Augusta Counties.  

I have a BA in Psychology and a MA in East West Psychology.  My genealogical studies have included various genealogical institutes studying advanced research methodologies, genetic genealogy, Pennsylvania research, church and military records.  I have completed the Genealogical Research Studies Certificate from Boston University and the ProGen Study program.  I also serve on the board of several genealogical societies.

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