1938 Reunion
Front Row: Joe, Harry and Bertie Mae Back Row: Raymond, Mary, Olin, Harold, Nora, Warren, Meryle and Bessie
1940 Reunion
Front Row: Bertie Mae and Harry Back Row: Olin, Raymond, Bessie, Harold, Mary, Joe, Warren, Nora and Meryle Right Side of Photo: Ruth and Anne Leach
1940 Reunion
Left Side of Photo: Levi & Lieuverna Michael, Mattie Jane Michael, Ruth Leach, Lee Hosaflook, Billie Hosaflook, Nora Hosflook, Bill Leach. Right Side of Photo: Mr. Loker, Roscoe Michael, Joe Hosaflook, Merle Michael, Annie and WIlbur Leach, Addie and Meyrle Hosaflook, Bessie Hosaflook, Harry and Bertie Mae Hosaflook Front Row (R to L) Edsel, Mattie Mae, Betty Jean, Buddie, Dewitt